Sexy Voyeur Holiday in South Africa – P3
So vat are you girls up to totay? Marias mom asked in a strong German accent.
Were going to make the most of the summer sun, and tease all the boys with our gorgeous tans replied Maria. I just laughed along. My eyes kept moving from her moms nipples, to the sea, to Maria, back to her moms nipples…..
Plees excuse all ze naked bodies around here Candice. said her mom. You must plees say if you are offended, but ve are alvays in a state of undress here. We find it quite normal.

No, not offended at all Mrs Müller. I said shyly. Its just unusual to see people acting this normally about nudity. You dont often get that here. In South Africa I mean.
Plees, call me Bergitte. If you vant to get a nice all over tan, plees dont be ashamed to take off your bikini too. You are most velcome. she smiled.
Maria said something to her mom in German, and they both laughed. I imagine it was something about me being a bit of a prude about this or something. Im definately not a prude though. I know that its what you dont show, that guys find sexy. Wear tiny bikinis, but let the boys imaginations fill in the tasty bits. Ive done my share of teasing, and thoroughly enjoy it!
Maria undid her top, and dropped it on the ground next to her deck chair. The cow! She said shed keep her bikini on.
Sorry Candice, but we cant let these sunrays go to waste! So many boys, so little time. she sniggered.
She had a point. It was only us three girls around. I didnt know where Werner was though. Besides, these Breezers we were drinking were starting to go to my head and gave me some courage, so I leaned forward, undid the knot at the back of my top, and slid it off my shoulders. There, I was topless.
You better put some cream on those. You wouldnt want them to get burnt so soon into the holiday sniggered Maria.
She was right. I had big white triangular tanlines on my breasts. Burning my tender pink nipples would not be such a good idea. Marias mom handed me some tanning lotion. I squeezed some into my hands, and rubbed it on my breasts, making sure to get plenty onto my nipples and aeriolas. This was kind of exciting. I always saw tanning topless as something you did when you had a private moment, when no-one was looking. Now I was lying here in the open, with my breasts bare, glistening, in the company of my friend, and her mom, whom Id only met a few hours before.